Friday, April 9, 2010

Memori kita...

Actually, today i want  to post something that bring me, keep in touch in my by day..month by month..i alwayz calculate every moment that i had been wit i miss him so far from me..and cant spend time with him like b4 this...he got a new work in s.alam..BEe, i alwayz pray for u and our relationship never last forever... i swear BEe..only u in my heart..muaaahhxx...

from calculatin day..295 days since we been together..sedar tak sedar..dah hampir 10 bulan kita bersama..yess..we still new in this relationship..but we got some chemistry...hahaha..kelakar ble mengenangkan saat pertama kali berkenalan dan berjumpa..xsangka menjadi couple sekarang..hahaha..
Bila aku imbau balik semuanya....kadang-kadang tergelak2..memang muke time tuh cm malu2 nerd..hahahaha...paperpon thanks BEE sudi terima CYg dalam hati BEE..

Gambar nihla BEE bg first time kite tukar gambar..ehehhee....encemnye..huhu..

nih gmbr BEE 1 month kite couple..bEE dah pndai bergambar..sbb CYg yang ajar..ehhehe..

nih lak..gmbr kite bersama 1 month..lokasi midvalley..

 i like this pic..time nih 2 month kte couple..lokasi PD.

pic nih lak..time bulan pose..huhu..kite g genting...3 month of couple..

this pic Cyg g lawat BEE yang xcident..CYg lawat BEE kt umh BEE kt johor..
Mak n Abah BEE bek sgt layan CyG..Heppinye..nk balik lg la KLUANG..
4month of couple..

5month couple..time nih kte g THE MINES..CyG xpnah g sini..BEE bawak..hehe..tq.Cyg die..

6 Month couple..lokasi alamanda putrajaya

 7month couple...lokasi bawah blok kolej

8month couple...perut BEE dah muncit..huhu

9month of again..last month

gmbr tok 10 month couple xderlah..xsmpat amik pon..sbb BEE dah bz ngn keje baru..hope BEE happy ngn keje baru BEE...t kite jumpe lagi keyh..masing2 tengah mengumpul duit untuk mase depan..huhu..hope that day will coming...Love u alwayz.....

only that i want to story..huhu...coming soon..???huhuhu..wait n see....

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